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Design your own amphora

As we talked about in class, Ancient Greeks used amphoras to store water, olive oil, wine and many other things. Amphoras were usually decorated with lots of designs depicting sports, wars or stories... You can read more about amphoras clicking here or watching these videos: 

Greeks made different types of recipients, you can see their names in the following image:

In class, we have designed our own amphora (with handles!). But, some of you have designed a Pelike and Oskar might have designed a Loutrophorus, what do you think?

We painted the amphoras with wax crayons and finally covered it with a mixture of black tempera and a tiny bit of dishwashing soap. Now, we have to add the decoration with a toothpick but... how about trying some different decorations online first? 

Then, you will be ready to decorate your own amphora! Remember that they will be a piece of decoration for the play, so do your best! 

For additional information: Wikipedia, La Cerámica Griega (in Spanish) and Theoi Project (thousands of pictures for amphora inspiration!)

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